various photos of police interacting with the community

Recruitment Section

The SCPD Recruitment Section is responsible for actively recruiting qualified candidates for a career in law enforcement with the Suffolk County Police Department.

Recruitment practices are continually analyzed and enhanced to identify and employ the most effective measures. The Recruitment Section works closely with colleges and community groups to identify qualified candidates, with a special emphasis directed toward recruiting Latino, African-American, and Spanish speaking candidates in order to reflect the demographics of the communities served by the Department.

During 2018, SCPD hired Crown Advertising to assist in the promotion of the June 2019 police entrance exam. The SCPD “Secure Your Future and Ours” campaign was launched in December 2018, utilizing a diverse group of current officers who shared their personal reasons why they chose a career with our Department.

In August, 2018, CRB quadrupled the number of officers assigned to Recruitment for the 2018/2019 campaign. Our Recruitment officers continued the “Ride Along” program for college students and community members, offering them the opportunity to observe first-hand the duties of a Suffolk County Police Officer. The Recruitment team attended local NAACP meetings, Latino community events, multi-denominational religious services, and job fairs at military posts, high schools and colleges. Further, our team has partnered with influential members of minority communities to encourage Black, Latino and female residents to consider SCPD as a viable opportunity as a career in law enforcement.

Our Recruitment officers utilize social media outlets as well as job search engines such as LinkedIn and Police One. The Recruitment Section has its own Twitter account and has also improved recruitment information on the Department’s website. Also, they have conducted several Recruitment events and forums to educate potential applicants on the different aspects of the job and the overall application process.

Efforts to recruit civilian positions within the Department including crossing guards continue. Recruitment Officers, CLOs, and other community officers distribute informational flyers which include numerous non-sworn positions such as Crime Analysts, Computer Technology, and Forensics.

Suffolk County Police Recruitment Officers:




Suffolk County Police Department, Community Relations Bureau, 30 Yaphank Ave, Yaphank, NY 11980

EMAIL: SCPDCRB​@suffolkcountyny​.gov

PHONE: 631-852-6109