At Home Service
In Home Care
In Home Care can mean many different things. Typically home care services are provided to enable individuals with functional or physical limitations to live safely in their own homes. Services range from non-medical supportive services, such as assistance with shopping and meal preparation, to medical services such as nursing and health related therapies. Home care services vary greatly based on one's functional ability level and types of need. Care may be provided for a few days or weeks while recovering from an illness or injury, or for many years.
Suffolk County Office for the Aging provides in home care through Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP). Case managers visit the home and complete a detailed assessment of the individual’s functional impairments, unmet needs, informal support systems and finances in order to formulate a written care plan. This program has eligibility requirements and a waiting list. Please contact SCOFA at 631-853-8200 if you feel you or a loved one is in need of this assistance.
Medicare can provide some home care assistance if certain criteria are met. In general there are four criteria that must be met to be eligible for Medicare home care:
- Your doctor must order it.
- You must need some type of skilled care (such as nursing care, or physical, speech or occupational therapy).
- You must use a Certified home Health Care Agency (CHHA).
- You must be considered homebound.
Please speak to your doctor to see if you qualify for Medicare home care.
Other possible options for paying for home care services are Medicaid, Long Term Care Insurance, or private pay. If you would like a list of agencies that provide personal care aides please click this link: Personal Care Agencies.