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Warming Facilities in Suffolk County

Click the following link for a list of facilities that may be activated as Warming Centers during an excessive cold event as determined by the National Weather Service. Warming Centers

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Health News

Board of Health Meeting Scheduled

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
9:30 a.m.
Meeting held via videoconferencing (via Zoom)
Suffolk County Department of Health Services


The Board of Health, at the request of the Commissioner of Health Services, considers matters relating to the preservation and improvement of public health. In the event that a quorum cannot be achieved, the meeting will be cancelled. Members of the public who wish to speak at the Board of Health meeting during the public portion, should send an email to and write in the subject line, “SPEAK AT BOH MEETING,” and include in the body of the email the following: your name, address, phone number and the subject you expect to address to the Board.

The public portion of the meeting is generally held within the first several minutes once the meeting has begun.  The time limit for speakers is three minutes.  If you are calling from a phone number instead of joining with audio from your computer, please include the phone number you will use to dial into the meeting, so you can be “unmuted” and heard by the group during the public portion. Please be aware that the meeting may not start on time, and you may be in the “waiting room” for several minutes until the Chair has called the meeting to order.

Zoom meeting details:
Join by  clicking here:


Join by calling 1 929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 941 7696 5196
Password: 214284


Categories: Health

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901