December 21, 2012
Suffolk County’s Spanish Language Food Manager’s Class Draws Standing-Room-Only Crowd
James Tomarken, Commissioner of the Department of Health Services, announced today that the Bureau of Public Health Protection (PHP) is once again offering its Spanish language food manager’s course. The new course was conducted this week, from Tuesday through Thursday, December 18th through 20th.
“We are delighted that we will once again be offering this vital service to those who work in the food service industry in our county,” said Dr. Tomarken. “The course had been temporarily discontinued this year while the contract for instructional services was being fine-tuned.
The goal of the food manager’s course is to teach food service workers how to properly handle food and prevent foodborne illnesses. The department began offering this course in Spanish a decade ago after observing that a growing proportion of the food served in food service establishments was being prepared by workers who spoke primarily Spanish. Over the years, 3,531 Spanish language food manager certificates have been issued.
“It was a standing-room-only affair,” said PHP Bureau Chief Chris Sortino, who reported that 55 enthusiastic food service workers had packed the classroom for the highly sought-after course.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that each year roughly one in six Americans (or 48 million people) get sick from foodborne pathogens. Another 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die due to foodborne pathogens.
The Spanish language class is held monthly. Suffolk County food handlers may register by calling 852-5997 or online at

Felices Fiestas para todos ! Gustavo Graciano-Mendez discusses food safety with 55 food handlers who are getting a jump on the New Year by taking the renewed Suffolk County Spanish language Food Manager’s course. Felicidades y prospero año nuevo!