To improve educational, training, and employment opportunities and outcomes for adults with disabilities who are unemployed, underemployed, and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits, the Department of Labor, Licensing & Consumer Affairs administers the Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) Project.
Funded and administered by the United States Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration and the Office of Disability Employment Policy.
The Department of Labor, Licensing & Consumer Affairs provides seamless Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services and accessibility for everyone served in the One-Stop Employment Center.
In addition the Disability Employment Initiative Project can provide guidance in the employment process and use of the One-Stop center resources for individuals with a disability whether or not they are an SSD/SSI beneficiary.
Ticket to Work is a voluntary Social Security Administration program that provides several work incentives to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) beneficiaries. These incentives assist beneficiaries seeking to work, without fear of immediately losing their benefits.
As a New York State certified Employment Network (EN), the Suffolk County One-Stop can guide job seekers through the Ticket to Work program.
- Eligibility
- Benefits counseling
- Plan To Achieve Self-Support (PASS)
- Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE)
- Medicaid/Medicare information
- Trial Work Period
- Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE)
- Expedited Reinstatement
- Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)