Our Mission
The mission of the Suffolk County Youth Bureau is to successfully meet the needs of Suffolk County Youth, under the age of 21, by ensuring
effective countywide planning, thoughtful development, and efficiency in the management of resources necessary to sustain the County’s youth
service system.
The Youth Bureau is a leader with an active voice and the cornerstone for youth development in Suffolk County.
Our goals are:
- To be an active network of Youth Agencies
- To be dedicated to the principles of positive and effective youth development
- To provide training and resources to ensure quality and core competencies for youth development.
- All youth, 21 years old or younger, will grow up in a healthy,
substance abuse free environment. Youth will be productive members of
society and crime-free. They will achieve high academic status and be
physically/mentally fit. Youth will be culturally sound.
- Every youth should be educated and able to meet the skills required to be a member in the 21st century workforce.
- Services must be provided for all youth and must be based upon assessment of particular youth needs.
- Decisions made based on the assessment of particular youth needs
shall be decided and designed by Suffolk County to help our youth be happy healthy members of our community.
- Equity in funding ensures equal representation due to
population-based funding. All agencies with diverse populations should
receive equal funding.
- Full community participation, as well as youth participation helps to ensure quality programming.
- The safety of youth is the utmost concern of the Bureau. Youth
should have safe, supervised places they can go to in times of need.
- Agencies should be diverse and be able to provide a vast amount of services to youth.