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Family and Children Services

Family and Children Services oversees a variety of programs and services for at-risk children, adults, and families.

Want to Become a Foster Parent?

Call (631) 854-9454 or (631) 853-KIDS (5437) or click here for our Online Inquiry Form

Are you someone who enjoys parenting and is willing to share your home, time and energy with children who need an extra helping of love? In addition to receiving extensive training and reimbursement to help with the expenses while a child is in your home, you can also expect the many rewards becoming a foster parent brings, such as, a sense of accomplishment, the chance to help children feel good about themselves, pride in doing a meaningful and important job, the chance to meet and work with new people, and the opportunity to make a lifetime of difference in a relatively short period of time.

Children come into foster care for a variety of reasons including the illness, death, or incarceration of their parents or as a result of neglectful or abusive family situations. Social Services relies on foster families to provide a safe, loving, temporary family for these children who cannot live with their own families. A child's stay in foster care may be as short as overnight of as long as it takes to achieve a permanent plan for the child.

For additional information, visit:

New York State Office of Children and Family Services: Becoming a Foster Parent

Are you interested in fostering and/or adopting a child in need?

To get started call 631-853-KIDS (5437) or complete an Inquiry Form Online now we want to learn more about you! Click here to be taken to our Online Inquiry Form


Foster Care FAQs (Click to learn more)

What To Expect Next Guide and Process (click to learn more)

Foster Care

(631) 854-9359

There are times when children who cannot live with their parents because of neglectful or abusive family situations, come into foster care either through voluntary surrender or court order.

This service places children who are currently in the custody of the Commissioner of Social Services into family foster homes, group homes, or licensed child care institutions and provides for room and board, clothing, medical care and other special needs.

Foster Care FAQs

Foster Care / Local Educational Agency

Point of Contact: (631) 854-9311

The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 regarding students in foster care requires that school districts and charter schools provide assurances that they will collaborate with the local department of social services to develop and implement clear written procedures for how transportation to maintain children in foster care in their school of origin when in their best interest will be provided, arranged, and funded for the duration of their time in foster care.

The Suffolk County Department of Social Services has designated Child Placement Bureau Assistant Director Brian Calo as its child welfare point of contact for school districts.
Mr. Calo can be contacted at 631-854-9311 or via email at

Relative Caregivers

(631) 853-KIDS (5437)

There are times when children cannot live with their parents because of neglectful or abusive family situations. When this happens, Child Protective Services (CPS) seeks family members or close family friends to care for the children temporarily until the issues that caused their removal can be addressed.

Children often do better and feel more secure living with people who are familiar to them while their parents work on the problems that caused the need for removal. As a relative caregiver, the care you provide can nurture the children's growth and development as well as contribute to the family's healing.

Click here for more information on Relative Caregivers.

Non-Parent Caregivers (Grandparents, Other Relatives, Friends) Caring for Children

Did you know? Relative and non-parent caregivers could be eligible to become approved as a Foster Parent and receive services that are available to certified Foster Parents such as monthly care rates, Medicaid coverage and other support services!

Non-parent caregivers, who are caring for children without a parent living in their home, may be eligible for Temporary Assistance. Temporary Assistance for children not living with a parent is often referred to as “non-parent caregiver” or “child-only” grants, and includes Medical Assistance (MA). If the non-parent caregiver wants assistance only for the children, the non-parent caregiver’s income is not used to determine eligibility and there are no Temporary Assistance work requirements for the non-parent caregiver. Non-parent caregivers may apply for temporary assistance at their local social services office. In addition to financial assistance, non-parent caregivers (also called kinship caregivers) often have a need for information and assistance related to food stamps, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), custody, guardianship, foster care, adoption, schooling, school enrollment, and other forms of assistance such as child care, social security, respite, case management and service programs.
For information about services and assistance programs please visit the following websites:

The NYS Kinship Navigator’s website offers legal fact sheets, state and local kinship resources, and other information. In addition, the Navigator operates a toll free phone line at 1-877-454- 6463. Kinship Specialists are available from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. A message may be left during non-business hours and calls will be returned when business hours resume.

The NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA). To apply for services, call or visit the local center serving your area. In addition, the New York State website My Benefits is a quick and easy way to find answers to questions about New York State's programs and services. is an online tool to help you learn about eligibility for financial assistance and other benefit programs. A simple, 10-minute prescreening from any computer with Internet access at any time, determines whether you are likely to qualify for Food Stamps, HEAP, the Earned Income Tax Credit, child dependent care credits, school lunch and other programs.

The NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) provides contact information and links to the Kinship Caregiver Programs funded through OCFS, as well as a variety of resources for families and staff, including the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP), a subsidy program available to kinship caregivers who are foster parents.

Additional Information for Kinship & Nonrelative Caregivers

Make an Informed Choice Know Your Options Know Your Resources

Información adicional para familiares y cuidadores que no son de su familia

Tome una decision informada Conozca sus opciones Conozca sus recursos

Adoption Services

(631) 853-KIDS (5437) - If Wishing to Adopt

Arranges for placement of children who are legally free for adoption, and are in the guardianship of the Commissioner of Social Services, in appropriate adoptive homes. Supervises the placement until legalization of the adoption by the courts. Also, provides assistance to natural parents in planning a permanent home for children.

For additional information, visit:

New York State Office of Children and Family Services: Bureau of Permanency Services

Adoption Services FAQs


Click here to download our Foster Care Recruitment flyer!

Safe Haven Program

1 (866) TLC-BABY or 1 (866) 852-2229

New York State Law allows for parents who are unable or unwilling to care for their infant, to give up custody within 30 days of birth with complete confidentiality, no questions asked as long as no harm or neglect is involved.

In Suffolk County, most Hospitals, Police Departments and Fire Stations are designated Safe Havens.

A parent may also leave their infant with a responsible adult or in a suitable location and promptly call the Safe Haven hotline number provided above to provide the baby's location.

Parents are encouraged (but not required) to provide child's health, race, date of birth, place of birth and the medical history of the parents.

For additional information, visit:

New York State Office of Children and Family Services: Abandoned Infant Protection Act

National Safe Haven Alliance

CPS (Child Protective Services)

Child Abuse Reporting Hotline: 1 (800) 342-3720

The CPS Bureau investigates reports of alleged child abuse and/or maltreatment made to the New York State Central Register via the toll free number provided above, pertaining to residents of Suffolk County. All calls remain confidential.

The Bureau also arranges for ongoing child protective and rehabilitative services to the child and the family.

Click here for more information on Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment.

NYS Office of Children and Family Services CPS FAQs

Children Protective Services FAQs

APS (Adult Protective Services)

(631) 854-3232

Provides services for persons over 18 who are physically or mentally impaired and who are in a situation where they are harmed or threatened with harm by the actions of themselves or others. This often involves the frail elderly and adults who are physically or mentally disabled, seriously ill or alcohol/substance abusers.

Potential clients have no one able or willing to help them meet their essential needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and for medical care.

Any concerned person or agency should make a referral for services using the three numbers provided above. All calls are confidential and may be made anonymously.

For additional information, visit:

New York State Office of Children and Family Services: Adult Protective Services (APS)

Adult Protective Services FAQs

Safe Harbour Program

(631) 439-0480, Hotline: (631) 533-5656

The Safe Harbour Act of 2008 guarantees that sexually exploited/trafficked children are to be treated as child victims rather than prosecuted and to be offered services that can reduce trauma, hasten rehabilitation and pave the way for better outcomes.

Suffolk County has implemented a Safe Harbour Program to promote community awareness and develop a comprehensive and coordinated service delivery system to meet the varied needs of exploited/trafficked youth. The Safe Harbour Program is administered by EAC Network Inc. in partnership with the Department of Social Services (DSS).

Click Here to learn more about what human trafficking is, where it can likely occur, who is at risk of being victimized, what the “red flags” are, how to report suspected victims and available resources.

Safe Harbour Program Brochure

Safe Harbour Program Brochure (Spanish)

Child Preventative Services

(631) 854-9359

Provides case management services to assist families in staying together when a child is at risk of entering foster care and/or to hasten the return home of children in foster care. May include referrals for supportive services such as child care assistant (income guidelines may apply).

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901