WHAT: Second Meeting of the Suffolk County Gabreski Community Advisory & Review Board
WHEN: 6:00 PM, Tuesday, July 16, 2024
WHERE: Riverhead County Center, Maxine S. Postal Auditorium, 300 Center Dr., Riverhead, NY 11901
WHY: In accordance with the recommendations within the Gabreski Community Advisory Board Final Report published in July 2022, legislation should establish an oversight body to convene on an annual basis to maintain necessary oversight and recognize the importance of community input as critically important to the airport’s fundamental sustainability. Pursuant to Resolution 224-2023, which was introduced last year by former Legislator Bridget Fleming, the Suffolk County Legislature formed an official review board made up of 18 individuals representing regional stakeholders and municipalities. Throughout the duration of Suffolk County’s ownership of the airport, the Review Board will ensure the fulfillment of the concepts and recommendations in the Final Report, and assess and review airport operations, community issues, and public input.
WHO: Legislator Ann Welker, Legislator Catherine Stark, Legislator Nicholas Caracappa, Gabreski Airport Manager Joshua Smith, and others