ZOOM Video Conferencing- Instructions below:
Instead of a public meeting open for the public to attend in person, members of the public may listen to or log into the video conference. We are encouraging the public to send in their statements for the public portion to the address below or email to Corey.Humphrey@suffolkcountyny.gov. The Minutes of the Board meeting will be posted on the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District’s website.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOM: You need to download the free software and sign in. Go to meetings and enter the ID Number.
TOPIC: Soil and Water Board of Directors Meeting
DATE: March 11th, 2021
TIME: 4:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
ZOOM LINK: https://suffolkny.zoom.us/j/8431288555?pwd=aG1xc1RSTldCUE1TV3M2MEdmSVp0UT09
MEETING ID: 843 128 8555
PASSWORD: 8523285
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