Suffolk County Commitment Helps Veteran Find New Employment
Stern: “We owe those who have sacrificed so much for our great nation more than gratitude, we owe them real support and assistance
(HAUPPAUGE, NY August 5, 2014)—Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone, Congressman Steve Israel (D-Huntington), Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, 12 local companies and others recently signed a Veterans Hiring Pledge to support our veterans as they seek employment opportunities.
“We are a County that has a long standing tradition of providing high quality services to our veterans,” said County Executive Bellone. “As government leaders have the responsibility and the honor of ensuring we take care of the men and women who have sacrificed to protect our way of life. This pledge renews our commitment to help find meaningful employment for our nation’s heroes. This is the least we can do to thank them for their sacrifice and service.”
The Pledge to Support Our Veterans encourages veterans to apply for positions in the participating companies; coordinates and intensifies efforts to identify, train, and hire veterans through the Suffolk County and Nassau County Departments of Labor and Veterans Affairs. The Pledge supports engagement with local and regional groups to broaden outreach to veterans with relevant skills and experiences.
The additional signatories of the pledge included: Long Island Association President Kevin Law, Long Island Federation of Labor President John Durso, Henry Schein, National Grid, PSEG, GSE Dynamics, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, North Shore LIJ, New York Mets, Perfume Center of America, Orbit International, VJ Technologies, CA Technologies, First Data, and D’Addario & Co.
“One of the biggest challenges our returning veterans face is obtaining well-paying jobs. Veterans are highly skilled, disciplined and motivated workers and it is essential that they have access to programs and services that enable them to complete the transition from military to civilian life, find meaningful employment and provide for themselves and for their families,” Legislator Stern, Chairman of the Veterans and Seniors Committee said. “We owe those who have sacrificed so much for our great nation more than gratitude, we owe them real support and assistance. I thank Congressman Steve Israel, County Executives Bellone and Mangano and all those who have signed the Pledge for their efforts,”
On the same day that the Pledge to Support Our Veterans was signed, Dr. Sang Sur of Commack, NY received an offer of employment from Computer Associates.
After hearing about the expanded Veterans’ Services in Suffolk County, which includes participating in a commitment to hire veterans, Sur went to the Department of Labor, Licensing & Consumer Affairs Employment Center seeking career counseling and job placement assistance.
At the time, Sur, highly educated, with a doctor of philosophy in Business Administration and Management with a specialty in Aeronautical Science Management, felt there were no suitable high-tech Long Island companies that would recognize his knowledge and experience, a familiar refrain from extremely qualified center customers. And he was apprehensive that he might need to uproot his family and leave his home to secure commensurate employment.
Sur met with Employment Center Veterans Career Counselor Beth Murphy, and Career Counselor Bob Smith, to start the process of reconnecting to the labor force and developed a comprehensive employment plan and skills assessment. Murphy and Smith knew they had gold in their hands, and helped him review and revise his resume, and personally coached him through interviewing skills sessions.
On his own, Sur took advantage of Center workshops on salary negotiations and social networking, specifically, a workshop on using Realizing that finding a job is a job in itself, Sur was a frequent visitor at the Employment Center and within weeks had multiple interviews and job leads.
After four weeks of intensive job search activities, Sur secured a position of higher credentials and pay as a senior principal, business systems analyst at CA Technologies in Islandia. That also means no relocation was necessary.
Commenting on the dedication of Center staffers to find roles that were suitable for him, Sang said,“Beth Murphy, Bob Smith, and the wonderful SCDOL staff were key to a successful job search. I could not have done it without them.”
Sang continues to urge other veterans to take advantage of the great services available at SCDOL.
The Suffolk County One-Stop Employment Center brings together employers and job seekers, providing a comprehensive, one-stop approach to job search. Staffed with employment professionals from several private and public entities, the Employment Center functions as a full service human resources facility. The center supplies the job seeking customer with all the tools necessary for a self-directed or staff-assisted job search, and provides employers with facilities and workforce support.

Suffolk County Executives Steve Bellone speaks at the signing of a pledge to hire veterans.

Veterans Career Counselor Beth Murphy, Dr. Sang Sur and Career Counselor Bob Smith at the Suffolk County One-Stop Career Center.