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JAG Funding Allocations

08/17/18 - Posting for Review: The following chart lists the projects approved by the CJCC membership for the 2019 (January- December) Justice Assistance Grant funding awarded to Suffolk County. Please forward any questions to Colleen McKenna.

Departments/Offices & Agencies
Requesting JAG Funding (14)
Requested/Amount Provided
Allocation of JAG Funds
(2019 AMOUNT - 138,521)
Departments (7)
Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office Requested:


The DA’s Office is seeking funding for a post-arrest drug diversionary program, titled DOORS, “Diversion- Opening Opportunities for Recovery Services.” DOORS is a specific diversion program offering treatment opportunities to persons with substance use disorders charged with low-level drug offenses in an effort to divert them away from the criminal justice system and ultimately reduce the jail and prison population. The District Attorney’s Office will partner with a contractor to identify individuals suffering from substance use disorders who have been arrested for low-level offenses. The program will allow individuals and families to receive treatment for substance use disorders and will ultimately prove effective in the reduction and/or elimination of court fees, processing costs, law enforcement costs and incarceration costs in furtherance of this office’s mission.

Suffolk County Department of Health Division of Preventive Medicine Requested:


$40,000.00 to fund the Bureau of Public Health Nursing (BPHN) for the purpose of comprehensive health care transitioning, targeting released inmates returning to their communities. In collaboration the Jail Medical Unit and the Mental Health Unit, the BPHN will accept referrals for inmates who had opened MHU cases.

$5,000. Instructional Supplies -Seeking funding to implement targeted health education programs for inmates in the correction facilities as well as providing a structured system of care continuity for inmates released into the community. Health education programs provided in the jail facilities will focus on social emotional behavior exercises, anger management, chronic disease prevention, tobacco cessation, exercise, nutritional education and injury prevention. The goal of providing these education programs to inmates in the facility is to engage inmates in the importance of healthy decision-making and positive behavior change.

Suffolk County Police Department Requested:


With the goal of reducing the number of opioid related overdose deaths in Suffolk from 2017 levels, the Suffolk County Police Department is requesting funding for the lease of unmarked vehicles to be used in case investigations. Such vehicles can be used for undercover detective investigations or other plainclothes officer investigations. Current competitively contracted vehicle lease cost per month is $509. per vehicle. JAG 2016 and JAG 2017 funding is being utilized to fund leases for five vehicles for two years, being used by the Narcotics Section. It is imperative to continue the lease of these five vehicles, and to add funding for approximately three more such leased vehicles for another year. These vehicles are critical in the Section’s investigations to combat the growing opioid epidemic in Suffolk. Current County Operating Budget funds do not exist for additional vehicles, while evolving crime fighting strategies require this equipment.

Suffolk County Department of Probation Requested:


$25,000.00 for Psychological Assessments for offenders with mental illnesses: Since 2008, the Probation Department has helped provide the Suffolk Courts with timely psychological assessments and testing of offenders with mental illnesses and co-occurring disorders. Consultant Psychologists have performed required testing on a per diem basis. The Probation Department Psychiatric Social Worker is responsible for the scheduling of psychological testing of offenders by the consulting Psychologists. Testing results are used by the Mental Health Court and the Youth Felony Part.

$25,000.00 to purchase desktop computers, laptops, printers and computer accessories for Probation officers and staff to replace outdated computers and printers in order to run updated software systems requiring computers with faster processors and memory.

Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office Requested:


The Sheriff’s Office is requesting funding toward personnel for the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program. The Sheriff’s Office has administered the GREAT program since 2006 and currently administers the program in 10 school districts throughout Suffolk County. G.R.E.A.T. is an evidence-based and effective gang and violence prevention program built around school-based, law enforcement officer-instructed classroom curricula. The Program is intended as an immunization against delinquency, youth violence, and gang membership for children in the years immediately before the prime ages for introduction into gangs and delinquent behavior.

Suffolk County Department of Social Services Requested:


This request is to provide a source of funds from which a court-appointed guardian for an incapacitated adult (IP) is paid modest fees in order to compensate the guardian for work on behalf of their ward (the IP) without affecting the IP’s eligibility for other vital government services. This program gives the guardianship courts in Suffolk County the ability to appoint a guardian for an IP who all parties agree and the evidence shows is in desperate need of a guardian but who has no family member available to serve and is without adequate funds or assets to pay a guardian.

Suffolk County Traffic & Parking Violations Agency Requested:


Requesting funds to help support the Agency’s innovative programs which seek to modify driving behavior and encourage public safety. This funding will assist TPVA to implement several new programs and continue existing programs geared toward encouraging safety awareness. The prevention and education seminars are offered in collaboration with the EAC Network to a carefully selected group of motorists who have been identified to fit within an eligible group which has been shown to benefit from targeted instruction.

Agencies (7)
Brighter Tomorrows, Inc. Requested:


Is requesting funds to hire a Recovery Support Specialist to engage clients during weekend hours in positive sober living activities in order to increase their chances of success. Services will be provided at the sober living home and in nearby community where residents will participate in recreational, and therapeutic activities. The goal of these services is to improve residents’ coping skills for uncomfortable emotions (such as boredom and anxiety) as well as increase their engagement in social activities that support a substance-free lifestyle.

Empowerment Collaborative of Long Island, Inc. Requested:


The purpose of this proposal is to provide trauma-informed mental health services to incarcerated survivors of abuse in order to establish supportive and therapeutic relationships with survivors prior to release. This intervention is intended to increase the continuation of services upon release, which increases the likelihood of positive outcomes for our clients (reduced recidivism, successful reintegration into our community, and breaking the patterns and cycles of trauma and abuse).

LGBT Network Requested:


LGBT Network’s Probation Support Project (PSP) will deliver specialized quarterly in-service training for Suffolk County Probation Department personnel. Program staff will provide training at each Suffolk County Probation Department location. In-service training will build upon the existing SCPD new recruit training and will address key content related to providing LGBT-affirming probation services. Training will equip Probation personnel with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to provide LGBT-affirming support to reduce recidivism.

Long Island Advocacy Center Requested:


LIAC proposes to assist court-involved youth in obtaining the appropriate educational services as they navigate and exit the Juvenile and/or Criminal Justice Systems. LIAC will provide advocacy for these youth to ensure they receive access to the appropriate educational programs and vocational training when transitioning from placement to reintegrating into the community. Our advocacy results in improved educational outcomes; this often includes access to appropriate mental health and community-based services, thereby reducing potential incidents of gun violence and overall recidivism rates.

L. I. Against Domestic Violence Requested:


Funding to continue providing support and psychoeducational services to female victims of domestic violence/trauma who are being detained in the Riverhead Correctional Facility DWI Unit to reduce the chances of re-victimization of domestic violence and recidivism rate for drug/alcohol use.

Retreat, Inc. Requested:


The Retreat is requesting support for an existing Counseling Program for Spanish-speaking victims of domestic violence (crime victims) and their children. Trained Counselors utilize the evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model during bilingual counseling sessions. CBT utilizes both cognitive techniques (such as learning to think about something differently) and behavioral components (education and skill-building to put new thoughts into practice) that can be tailored to the individual needs and desires of victims and their children.

Victim Information Bureau of Suffolk, Inc. Requested:


Requesting funding to strengthen the Suffolk County SANE program. The members of the SANE team are highly trained NYS DOH certified forensic examiners who provide private, patient-centered care to victims of sexual violence. The SANE’s services also directly mitigate several of the most critical mental health issues raised by rape survivors including shame, suicide, fear of infectious diseases and fear of pregnancy.

TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $424,029.00 (Difference of $285,508.00)

Colleen McKenna, L.M.S.W.
Correction Coordinator, Sheriff’s Addiction Treatment Program
Coordinator, Suffolk County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Office of the Sheriff, Suffolk County

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901