Each year in Suffolk County, approximately 10,051 new cases of cancer are diagnosed and 2,670 people die of cancer, yet many of these cancers could have been prevented. The Suffolk County Cancer Prevention and Health Coalition (CPHPC) wants you to know what YOU can do to reduce your chances of getting cancer. Here are 10 steps that you can start now.
- Avoid tobacco products
- Choose mostly plant foods (in as unprocessed a state as possible), limit red meat and avoid processed meat.
- Get regular check-ups and screenings
- Protect your skin from exposure to the sun, especially during the hours of 10:00 to 4:00. Do not use indoor tanning devices
- Exercise at a minimum of 30 minutes per day, 3 to 5 days per week
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Choose healthy alternatives for your home and personal care. Use the Suffolk County Cancer Awareness Task Force “Home Product Checklist”.
- Have your physician check your Vitamin D levels and if necessary take Vitamin supplements. This is especially important for people with dark skin color
- Check the Cancer Awareness Task Force Website regularly for the latest information