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Mental Hygiene Contact

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The Division of Community Mental Hygiene Services is the local governmental unit responsible for the coordination and oversight of all community services to persons with alcohol and substance use disorders, mental illness, and intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. The Division of Community Mental Hygiene Services is authorized under the New York State Mental Hygiene Law, and it functions in concert with New York State’s Office of Mental Health, New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports, and the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. The scope of the Division's responsibilities include:

  • Coordinate and oversee treatment services for mental health and substance use disorders, as well as those with mental, intellectual, or developmental disabilities in Suffolk County;
  • Work with communities, consumers and other interested groups to improve services and to pursue program development that is consistent with the Suffolk County/New York State planning process;
  • Establish procedures and implement programs either directly or through contracts with other agencies to serve people with mental illness, substance use disorder and intellectual or developmental disabilities
  • Evaluate those services to ensure that they comply with all pertinent regulations and appropriately serve their intended populations; and
  • Provide education and training either directly or through contracts to increase awareness of mental illness, substance use disorders, and intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Intent to Apply Notifications, Letter of Support Requests, & LGU Meeting Requests

The Division of Community Mental Hygiene Services has created a standardized form that should be utilized to notify the Division of your agency's intent to apply for application opportunities, request a letter of support, and/or schedule a meeting with the Division/LGU. Please note that a prior consultation meeting may be required. The standardized form can be accessed through the following link: ""

Mental Health Outpatient Treatment and Rehabilitative Services Program (Mental Health Services)

Services are offered at the following location:

Farmingville Clinic - 15 Horseblock Place, Farmingville
(631) 854-2552
Monday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Opioid Treatment Programs

Opioid treatment programs are provided in Riverhead, Hauppauge and Smithtown.

Individuals in need of opioid treatment can apply for services at:

Adult Single Point of Access (SPOA)

The Suffolk County Division of Community Mental Hygiene Services operates the Single Point of Access (SPOA) which is a centralized intake process for referrals for high-intensity mental health services for adults who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness (SMI) and whose illness interferes with their ability to function in the community, home, school, and/or work. Referrals are evaluated to determine eligibility for Care Coordination, Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) or Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT).

Care Coordination provides services for individuals who live in the community and need help negotiating different systems in order to better take control of their lives. Care Coordination will help clients maintain their mental health and medical treatment with the goal of reducing hospitalizations and emergency services. Individuals must be 18 years old and have a primary diagnosis of a serious mental illness.

ACT teams provide mental health treatment in the community for high service need individuals who have not been successful in traditional treatment settings. Intensive community-based, skills training, support and treatment services are provided by an interdisciplinary team of mental health professionals. Services are available only for clients who have a primary diagnosis of a serious mental illness.

AOT provides for court-ordered assisted outpatient treatment for certain people with serious mental illness who in view of their treatment history and present circumstances are unlikely to survive safely in the community without supervision. In order to be eligible for AOT an individual would have to meet the criteria set forth by Kendra’s Law, Section 9.60 of Mental Hygiene Law. Persons on AOT are deemed to be risk of harm to self or others when noncompliant with psychiatric treatment and/or medication. They are court-ordered to comply with an intensive treatment plan, consisting of an array of mental health services including care coordination, outpatient mental health treatment, and medication management services.

For more information on eligibility, services, and how to apply, call (631) 853-6204/6205.
For information regarding Crisis Residence or Respite housing, or to apply, please visit

Children's Single Point of Access (C-SPOA)

The Suffolk County Division of Community Mental Hygiene’s Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPOA) coordinates enhanced mental health services for youth who are at risk of or have been diagnosed with a serious emotional disturbance, and their families. The C-SPOA offers a centralized, coordinated referral process using a universal referral form and represents a consensus among community-based and residential programs to ensure appropriate service delivery to the highest needs youth. The program serves Suffolk County residents, ages 5 to 21 years, and their families. All C-SPOA programs are voluntary for both the youth and their family.

Express Application

This application is for accessing CSPOA in-home services and supports, including preventive and intensive services.


C-SPOA Express Application

Application Part 1 & Part 2

For OMH licensed services, including Youth Assertive Community Treatment (Y-ACT), Community Residence (CR) and Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) programs, Parts 1 and 2 of the Statewide OMH CSPOA application remains a requirement.

  • Youth Assertive Community Treatment (Y-ACT) Youth Assertive Community Treatment (Y-ACT) is a community-based program that provides children and youth between the ages of 10 and 21 years with high intensity mental health services. These services include counseling, assertive engagement, peer services, medication management, and care coordination.
  • Community Residences (CR) Community Residences are residential programs for eight youth that include structured daily living activities, development of problem-solving skills, a behavior management system and caring consistent adult interactions. Program staffing provides for 24-hour awake supervision.
  • Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) Residential Treatment Facilities provide fully integrated mental health treatment and special education services under the direction of a psychiatrist in a well-supervised residential setting. RTFs can serve youth between 5 and 21 years of age. Most youth are served for an extended stay between 6 months and 2 years. Although referrals are through C-SPOA, access to an RTF is through the RTF Authorization Review committee under the guidance of the NYS Office of Mental Health.

Part 1

Part 2 | RTF Required Consents

Single Point Of Access For Housing (SPA)

SPA coordinates all housing referrals for adults with serious mental illness in the community. Contact (631) 231-3562 or please visit for more information.

Important Numbers & Resources


New York State Offices

New York State Offices

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901