The Bureau of Public Health Protection is tasked with the operation of programs that protect the public from adulterated food, unhealthy living conditions and other health nuisances. This is accomplished by enforcement of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code and the Local Laws of Suffolk County.
Click on a subject link below to find for more information on the services provided by the Bureau of Public Health Protection.
Food Protection
Food Permits, Food Manager’s Course, Plan Review
Temporary Residences
Hotels/Motels/Cottages, Migrant Farm Worker Housing, Mobile Home Parks, Campgrounds
General Sanitation
Garbage Storage, Sewage Overflows, Vermin Infestations, Inadequate Heat/Utilities
Body Art Establishments
Permits, Body Artist Certification, Resource Materials
Petting Zoos
Permits, Bites, Zoonotic Disease
Radiation Control
X-ray Producing Equipment
Tobacco Control
ATUPA, Clean Indoor Air Act, Retail Tobacco Vendor Certification Course
Children's Camps
(Inspections, State Resources)