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Warming Facilities in Suffolk County

Click the following link for a list of facilities that may be activated as Warming Centers during an excessive cold event as determined by the National Weather Service. Warming Centers

Text Only Version

SOAR (Shelter Online Attendance Reporting)

A Department of Social Services pilot project.

picture of an eagle

This application is designed to replace the daily phone calls between Department of Social Services Placement personnel and Housing providers to request the previous day’s attendance and room availability at your facility. This will allow our Placement Unit to have the required information necessary at the start of each business day which then allows making our client placements to facilities earlier, rather than later in the day.

SOAR will allow the provider to input attendance each day after 4:30 p.m. and to update room availability before submitting this information the next morning prior to 8:45 a.m.

The user manual for the application explains how to enter and submit the necessary information that you will be providing to the Department of Social Services Placement Unit on a daily basis, including weekends.

Minimum Requirements

The minimum requirements that will be needed to access and run the application at your facility:

  • Computers running Windows 7 OS with 2gb RAM
  • Internet Explorer version 9, 10 or 11
  • Internet or Wi-Fi capability b

Accessing the SOAR Application

All provider staff will be issued a user id and password to access the online SOAR application.


The training is now online and includes a demonstration of how to enter/edit/update/save/submit data online.

The session is a few minutes long.

For user ID or password issues, please contact the DSSHelpDesk at 631 854-9888

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

or contact Emergency Services at 631 854-9160

Monday - Friday 4:30 pm - 8:00 am, weekends/holidays 24/7

SOAR Application

Title Description Number of Pages
SOAR Instruction Manual How to enter/edit/update/save/submit information 13
SOAR Production Shortcut Instructions How to create the desktop shortcut to SOAR Production version of application 2
SOAR Training Shortcut Instructions How to create the desktop shortcut to SOAR Training version of application 2

Accessing the ILP (Independent Living Plan) Application

Independent Living Plan (ILP) is required for households that are applying for or in receipt of THA (Temporary Housing Assistance).

Independent Living Plan (ILP) is for families or individuals residing in temporary housing to gain self-sufficiency and move to housing other than temporary housing. The ILP must be completed within 10 days of a family’s or individual’s admission to the facility. The assessment describes the family’s or individual’s short and long term needs. This assessment is the basis for the development of the family’s or individual’s ILP. The family’s or individual’s needs should be prioritized in the plan in the order of importance, the family’s or individual’s ability to accomplish the stated objective and the availability of necessary support services to achieve the desired outcomes.

The family or individual must cooperate in developing, carrying out and completing the plan. Each family or individual must be provided with a copy of the initial plan, and any subsequent revisions.

The plan must be reviewed with the family or individual every 14 days and revised as necessary. Staff completing the ILP must document the provision of services to the family.

All provider staff will use the same user ID and password as SOAR.


The training is now online and includes a demonstration of how to enter/edit/update/save submit data online.

ILP Application

Title Description Number of Pages
ILP Instruction Manual How to enter/edit/update/save/submit information 12
ILP Instruction Sheet Field Description Instructions 3

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901