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Warming Facilities in Suffolk County

Click the following link for a list of facilities that may be activated as Warming Centers during an excessive cold event as determined by the National Weather Service. Warming Centers

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S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women


 (631) 853-8222

If You Are In Immediate Danger Dial 911.

Language Access. All services are confidential.

Domestic Violence Services and Shelters

Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk (ECLI-VIBES)

Creating Futures Free of Violence

The agency was formed when the Empowerment Collaborative of Long Island (ECLI) joined forces with the Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk (VIBES), creating a powerhouse organization dedicated to providing essential services, support, and advocacy for those affected by violence and abuse. ECLI-VIBES provides a variety of services that are critical to the wellbeing of survivors – from a 24-hour Hope line to counseling programs, advocacy and legal assistance, Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE) program, a housing program, and a fully-stocked community food pantry.

The emergency room companion program has trained and certified volunteer counselors available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help victims of domestic violence or sexual assault who use the hospital after an assault.

Need to talk with someone?

 (631) 360-3606 * 24-Hour Hotline, 7 days a week

 (631) 360-3607 ask for HOPE

TTC available for deaf and hearing impaired clients

L.I. Against Domestic Violence

(Shelter Services)

Domestic Violence Is A Crime!

The S.C. Coalition Against Domestic Violence has provided high quality services, including Safe Harbor Shelter and client advocacy, to victims of domestic violence and their children. They provide Crisis Intervention Counseling, Referrals, Advocacy, Screening for Shelter placement and Direct Contact with Counselors. They provide legal assistance in family court with child custody, visitation and support.

SCCADV provides residential (emergency shelter) and non-residential services including advocacy, counseling, legal assistance, employment services, education/training and volunteer programs to victims of domestic violence. In-person and telephone advocacy for victims of domestic violence residing within the First, Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth Precincts in Suffolk County. Follow-up includes court and hospital accompaniment or referral. Staff Attorney is available for custody, child support and visitation.

Help is only a phone call away. You are not alone.

 (631) 666-8833 ask for HOPE * 24-Hour Hotline, 7 days a week


 (631) 360-3606 * 24-Hour Hotlines, 7 days a week

 (631) 666-7181

If it is safe for you to do so, you may also e-mail a hotline counselor by subscribing to website. Your e-mail will be answered Monday-Friday during the hours of 8:30am - 4:30pm.

Brighter Tomorrows Shelter

(Shelter Services)

Empowering Survivors of Domestic Violence

Brighter Tomorrows provides shelter, counseling and advocacy for victims of domestic violence. Can accommodate 19 women and children. Offers case management, court advocacy, Department of Social Services advocacy and group/individual counseling for adults; individual counseling for children. They have a child witness/victim of domestic violence program.

Need to ask a question or just want to get in touch?

 (631) 395-1800 (Hotline)

Office numbers:

 (631) 395-1801

 (631) 395-3116

Fax numbers: (631) 395-5002 or (631) 395-9832

The Retreat

(Shelter Services)

Hope, Inspiration, support and Courage

Provides supportive and residential services to individuals and families who are in abusive domestic relationships. They provide prevention programs, spousal abuse prevention, group counseling, family violence counseling, family violence prevention, spousal abuse counseling, a batterers program, and programs for spouse/partner abusers. Also administers a Self-Help Anti-violence Re-education Program (the S.H.A.R.P.), for men who are physically or verbally abusive toward their partners.

Call they can help.

 (631) 329-2200 (Hotline)

 (631) 329-4305 (SHARP)

Agencies on the Task Force that Also Provide Domestic Violence Services

PARENTS FOR MEGAN'S LAW - Crime Victims Center

For victims of child sexual abuse and adult victims of sexual assault (including free counseling, advocacy, courtroom and medical appointment accompaniment) and direct support services for all elderly, minor and disabled victims of any crime and all victims of violent crime including: survivors of homicide; victims of assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, robbery, vehicular crime, confrontational burglary, kidnapping, human trafficking, arson, terrorism, and other violent crime.

Contact Information:

 1 (888) ASK-PFML (275-7365)


 1 (631) 689-2672

24 hour Hotline:

 (631) 332-9234

Hate Crime Hotline:

 (631) 626-3156

Sex Offender Tip line Call:

 1 (855) PFML TIP (736-5847)


 (631) 316-3237

Fax: (631) 689-751-1695

Suffolk County Office of Women's Services

Suffolk County Women's Services is a County agency which serves women in all walks of life, at all times and passages in their lives. This is done through a number of services that are free and available to everyone. The Helpline offers information, referrals to resources for further help, and emotional support. The Helpline is bilingual, calls can be anonymous, confidentiality is respected.The Women's Helpline is available from 8:30AM-4:30PM, Monday through Friday.

 (631) 853-8222


 (631) 853-8284


Adult protective Services investigates referrals of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of adults aged 18 years and older. Assesses the need, and arranges for or provides services to families and individuals. These services are also for persons who are physically/mentally impaired or harmed or threatened with harm by the actions of themselves or others, including their families, have unmet essential needs such as food, clothing, shelter and/or medical care, and have no one able or willing to help. Special attention is given to victims of elder abuse or elder neglect:



 (631) 854-3197


Assist when children who have been physically or sexually abused, senior citizens needing support, people struggling with substance abuse and/or mental illness, youth in the foster care system, persons on public assistance seeking financial independence, adults and youth who are under or unemployed, individuals needing help to mediate disputes.

 (631) 439-0480

Federal Employment Guidance Services, Inc.

The organization now serves as a safety net for individuals and families, providing a wide range of services that allow people to live healthy, fulfilling, and productive lives responsive to the diverse needs of individuals, families and communities, business, and society.

 (516) 496-7550

Long Island GLBT Services Network (Gay & Lesbian Youth)

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Network operates Long Island’s three community centers for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community: in Nassau, The Center at Woodbury; in Suffolk, The Center at Bay Shore; and on the East End, The Hamptons GLBT Center.

These community centers are a safe space and life-changing resource for the tens of thousands of LGBT and ally individuals who pass through the doors each year. In addition to regularly-scheduled programs and services each week, the centers offer public spaces for people of all ages to relax, hang out, study, work, or simply meet new people. Special events and gatherings help to unite Long Islanders of all different backgrounds and identities.

Community Education and Training Program at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Network (The Network)

Is to create safer, more supportive GLBT-affirming spaces for GLBT people. This goal is accomplished by delivering educational workshops and trainings for a variety of audiences. Through three of The Network’s organizations, Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth (LIGALY), The Long Island LGBT Community Center (The Center), and Services and Advocacy for LGBT Elders – Long Island (SAGE-LI), The Network has been creating and facilitating LGBT sensitivity workshops and trainings for the greater Long Island community for more than 21 years.

 (516) 665-2300

Herstory Writers Workshop

Herstory Writers Workshop provides opportunities through guided memoir writing that empower people from all walks of life (regardless of age, race, religion, financial status or sexual orientation, whether incarcerated or free) to turn their intimate stories into works of art crafted so that others can hear. Herstory is committed to providing an environment of intensive instruction which, in addition to creating literary works, upholds our values of empathy, inclusiveness, self-guided healing, safety and the search for social change in the expression of voices that historically have been most profoundly silenced.

 (516) 676-7395

SEPA Mujer

Is a stand for the well-being and development of Latina immigrant women on Long Island. Our mission is to raise and unite our voices and to be heard and recognized in social, governmental and political systems. We strive to nurture and improve self-esteem, physical and emotional security, legal status and economic independence by way of information, friendship, capacity building workshops, guidance, advocacy, community organization and legal representation.

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901