(Brentwood, NY-August 22, 2013) Today, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone was joined by Assemblyman Ramos, the Suffolk County Police Department (SCPD) and Bishop Donald Hudson of Common Ground Church of Central Islip to tour the Suffolk County Youth Police Academy and receive $3,000 from Assemblyman Ramos for ongoing efforts to expose youth from underserved communities to the Suffolk County Police Department.
“In an effort to ensure a diverse applicant pool and representation within the Suffolk County Police Department, this week-long training for youth between the ages of fifteen through eighteen was specifically designed to reach out to and attract ethnically diverse students,” said County Executive Bellone. “Allowing students to have first-hand experience of police recruit training and interaction with police personnel will help youth to consider a career in law enforcement. I thank Assemblyman Phil Ramos for his commitment to the youth of our communities and for providing the opportunity for students who may have not had access to funds to participate in this most invaluable law enforcement program.”
The program provided an opportunity for those students who have thought about a career in law enforcement or those students who believe that they would never be considered for a position as a Police Recruit the opportunity to experience five days of an actual Police Academy where students take part in similar training as a Suffolk County Police Recruit.
"I'm excited for the opportunity that more children from underserved communities are having to experience firsthand the inner workings of the Suffolk County Police Department. Historically, people of color have been underrepresented in the police ranks and the youth police academy,” said Assemblyman Phil Ramos. By securing this funding for the Suffolk County Youth Police Academy, we're taking the right steps to increase the probability of having more minorities in the ranks in the next exam to take place in June 2015. By bringing state funding to the Police Athletic League, we're benefitting 43 children from underserved communities and exposing them to a potential career in law enforcement."
The next entrance exam for the Suffolk County Police Department will take place in 2015.

(Suffolk County Police Personnel, Reverend Roderick Pearson-Director of Suffolk County Youth Bureau and Human Services, Detective Lt. Bob Donohue, Devante Mayes-Youth Academy participant, County Executive Steve Bellone, Bishop Donald Hudson-Common Ground Church of Central Islip, Assemblyman Phil Ramos, Suffolk County Police Personnel, Captain Richard O’Carroll)