HAUPPAUGE, NY (May 29, 2014)-- County Executive Steve Bellone in partnership with the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Consumer Affairs cut the ribbon on Suffolk County’s first-ever career couture boutique Thursday that will give job seekers a chance to acquire professional attire for their next job interview. The boutique is yet another service provided by the Suffolk County Labor Department, whose mission is to assist residents looking for new jobs or changing careers.
“We are proud to be able to add this th
is service to what we offer those residents looking for work or new careers,” County Executive Bellone said. “We are happy to partner with EAC Network, a not-for-profit human service agency, which assists the County with collecting donations for the boutique and has established partnerships with retail clothing suppliers.”
The site is unique as it is designed as a boutique where both male and female patrons can have access to suits, dresses, shirts, blouses, jewelry, accessories and shoes to ensure complete attire for job interviews. Historically, many not-for-profits who offer clothing assistance cater mostly to women seeking employment.
Thomas Baxter of Central Islip, an Army Reserves sergeant and client of the center, expressed his thanks for the clothing assistance.
“This means a lot to me and I appreciate the service Suffolk County has provided,” he said. Baxter has received several medals while serving two tours in Iraq and patrolling Ground Zero after the terror attacks, is looking for work in the health field. He traded in his camouflage uniform for a business suit and modeled the new outfit.
A dry cleaner has dry cleaned all of the clothes at a steep discount to the Labor Department and Sports Clips Haircuts is providing 100 free haircuts for men through August.
To be eligible for clothing from Career Couture Boutique, residents must be registered with the One Stop Employment Center and have a scheduled interview. All customers will receive a suit with accessories.
The boutique is located at Suffolk County’s One-Stop Employment Center in Hauppauge, a cutting-edge endeavor which brings together both employers and job seekers, providing a one-stop approach to job search. It is staffed with employment professionals from several private and public entities, and functions as a full service human resources facility. The center supplies the job-seeking customer with all the tools necessary for a self-directed or staff-assisted job search, and provides employers with facilities and workforce support.
Also participating in the press conference Thursday were Sammy Chu, commissioner, Suffolk County Department of Labor, June Kirby, career couture designer, Rebecca Bell COO/executive vice president of the EAC Network, Rachel Lugo, regional director of the EAC Network and Tanya Krapf of EAC.

Suffolk Labor Commissioner Sam Chu, Rachel Lugo of the EAC, June Kirby, Suffolk County Department of Labor, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and Tom Baxter.