To join the “Zoom” Board of Health Meeting, click on:
Meeting ID: 959 7239 9615
Password: 2247727
One tap mobile +19294362866,,95972399615#,,1#,2247727#
Or Dial+1 929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 959 7239 9615
Password: 2247727
Those who wish to speak at the Board of Health meeting during the public portion, may send an email to and write in the subject line, “SPEAK AT BOH MEETING.” In the body of the email, include your name, address, phone number and the subject you expect to address to the Board. The time limit for speakers is three minutes. Please be aware that the public portion is generally held at the beginning of the meeting. If you are calling from a phone number instead of joining with audio from your computer, include the phone number you will use to dial into the meeting, so you can be “unmuted” which will allow you to be heard by the group during the public portion.