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Warming Facilities in Suffolk County

Click the following link for a list of facilities that may be activated as Warming Centers during an excessive cold event as determined by the National Weather Service. Warming Centers

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Office of Multicultural Affairs and Community Engagement


Our Mission

The Office of Multicultural Affairs and Community Engagement aims to cultivate an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere that values diversity, advances education and cultural awareness, and actively engages with our community. We believe your active participation is crucial in building a more cohesive society. Through impactful dialogue, programs, advocacy, and collaboration, we work to honor diverse cultures, empower individuals to flourish, and contribute to a stronger, more inclusive community for everyone.

Suffolk County is a vibrant community home to nearly 1.526 million people. In 2023, African Americans, Latinos, Asians, and other ethnic groups collectively represented 38 % of the population, demonstrating the rich diversity we celebrate and serve.

These various ethnic groups, the fastest-growing communities in our County, present a unique opportunity. With their growth and presence, we have the potential to strengthen communications and build even greater community engagement.


Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice

Please see the following from the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning.

Suffolk County is conducting a study regarding impediments to fair housing choice. Known as the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, this study is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). You are invited to participate in this effort by taking the survey.

The online survey is located at the links below. Please complete the survey no later than Monday, March 31, 2025.

English Link

Spanish Link

Prevent Winter Safety Hazards!

Check out the flyer attached with Fire Hazard and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Safety Tips

Flyer / More Info

Work for Suffolk County

Working for Suffolk County Government Provides You a Career Filled with Opportunities Along With Premium Benefits

More Info

New York State’s 911 Good Samaritan Law Protects YOU

The New York State 911 Good Samaritan Law allows people to call 911 without fear of arrest if they are having a drug or alcohol overdose that requires emergency medical care or if they witness someone overdosing.

More Info

Advisory Boards

picture of an African-American Family

The purposes for which the Board is formed are as follows:

  • Bring to the attention of the County Executive those issues that impact upon the African-American communities throughout the County of Suffolk.
  • Seek community input on relevant issues that impact their communities.
  • Improve communications between the African-American communities, government, and its residents.
  • Address pertinent issues, some of which include:
    • Education
    • Health
    • Legislation
    • Small Business Development/Economic Development
  • Encourage civic participation in the communities

The purposes of the Board shall be promoted through educational programs, conferences, committees, projects and other programs.


picture of Latin-American Family

The purpose for which the Hispanic Advisory Board is formed are as follows:

  • To improve cultural understanding between the Hispanic Community, Suffolk County Government, and Suffolk County residents.
  • To promote Hispanic business development and to provide needed information to Hispanic businesses to enable them to have equal access and opportunity to contracting and procurement in Suffolk County.
  • To encourage civic participation at all levels by members of the Hispanic Community.
  • The Board shall not participate nor intervene or endorse in any manner whatsoever any political organization or act on behalf of any candidate for public office.
  • The purposes of the Board shall be promoted through educational programs, conferences, committees, projects and other programs.
  • An additional purpose shall be to discuss issues of importance and relevance to the Hispanic community and to make recommendations regarding proposed legislation to the Suffolk County Legislature and the Suffolk County Executive.


picture of Asian-American Family

The Asian-American Advisory Board is hereby created to discuss issues of importance and relevance to the Asian-American community and to make recommendations regarding proposed legislation to the Suffolk County Legislature in connection with the following:

  • Bring to the attention of the County Executive those issues that impact upon the Asian-American Community in Suffolk County.
  • Seek community imput on relevant issues that impact their communities.
  • To advocate on behalf of the emerging Asian-American Community in Suffolk County.
  • To encourage civic participation at all levels by members of the Asian-American community.
  • To promote Asian-American business development and to provide information necessary for Asian-American businesses to enable them to have equal access and opportunity to contracting and procurement in Suffolk County.
  • To improve communications and cultural understanding between the Asian-American community, Suffolk County Government, and Suffolk County residents.
  • Address pertinent issues, some of which include:
    • Education
    • Health
    • Legislation
    • Small Business development/economic development

All through educational programs, conferences, committees, projects, and programs without participating in or endorsing political organzations or candidates for public office.


picture of Muslim-American Family

The Muslim-American Advisory Committee is hereby created, to discuss issues of importance and relevance to the Muslim-American community and to make recommendations regarding proposed legislation to the Suffolk County Legislature in connection with the following:

  • To advocate on behalf of the emeging Muslim-American Community in Suffolk County.
  • To encourage civic participation at all levels by members of the Muslim-American community.
  • To promote Muslim-American business development and to provide information necessary for Muslim-American business to enable them to have equal access and opportunity to contracting and procurement in Suffolk County.
  • To improve cultural understanding between the Muslim-American community, Suffolk County Government, and Suffolk County residents.

All through educational programs, conferences, committees, projects, and programs without participating in or endorsing political organizations or candidates for public office.


picture of a Hindu woman

The purpose for which the Hindu Advisory Board is formed are as follows:

  • The Hindu American Advisory Committee of Suffolk County is committed to fostering cultural understanding and promoting inclusivity within our diverse community.
  • As a focal point for Hindus and the Sanatan Sharma our vision is to celebrate the richness of Hindu traditions and culture, embracing every festival and cultural aspect from different states across India.
  • We strive to be a bridge between Suffolk County government, the Global Hindu Diaspora, and local businesses, advocating for policies that respect diversity and uphold the rights of all residents.
  • Through unity and advocacy, we aim to safeguard the rights and well-being of the minority Hindu community ensuring a harmonious and welcoming environment for all, and contributing to the vibrant tapestry of diversity that defines our county.

picture of Jewish-American Family

The Jewish Advisory Board is here by created to discuss issues of importance and relevance to the long island Jewish community and:

  • To advocate on behalf of the Jewish-American community in Suffolk County
  • To encourage civic participation at all levels by members of the Jewish community
  • To promote Jewish- American business development and to provide information necessary for the Jewish-American business to enable them to have equal access and opportunity to contracting and procurement in Suffolk County
  • To Improve Cultural understanding between the Jewish Community, Suffolk County government and Suffolk County residents


picture of LGBTQ+ Group
  • To advocate for issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community in Suffolk County
  • To cultivate a strong and active LGBTQ+ community throughout Suffolk County that empowers members and allies to lead healthy and successful lives by advancing equal access to education, housing, economic opportunity, healthcare, and other social enterprises.
  • To advocate on behalf of the LFBTQ+ community and its intersections of race, gender, creed, ethnicity, health status, and economic justice, safety, and opportunity.
  • To encourage civic participation at all levels by members of the LGBTQ+ community. Suffolk County government, and Suffolk County residents.

Suffolk County LGBTQ+ Health Resources


Minority and Women Owned Businesses

This website will provide a list of Minority and Women owned business (M/WBE’s) and certified businesses that will be made available to all Suffolk County entities searching for M/WBE’s to do business with.

Minority and Women Business Enterprise Programs

The following Non-Suffolk County run organizations have programs designed to assist the growth and development of businesses owned and controlled by women and minority group members (“M/WBEs”).

Certify or Recertify Business

Certifying your business as a Suffolk County Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) will place your information on the Suffolk County M/WBE Directory which has several advantages.

Change Business Information

Update information for your registered business.

Multicultural Affairs Current Events




Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901