The DUI Victim Impact Panel Program is an awareness program for offenders convicted of misdemeanor driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The panels consist of a non-confrontational presentation consisting of crime victims telling their own personal stories of how impaired drivers forever changed their lives. The panel presents a unique perspective to the offender that is often overlooked or simply cannot be taught by the courts and the DUI offender schools.
The program was created with one purpose in mind: to show offenders first-hand about the trauma, physical pain, emotional suffering and devastation, financial loss, anger and frustration that is commonly experienced by innocent victims and their family members resulting from a DUI-related crash.
Any individuals on probation must notify their probation officer prior to registering for a Victim Impact Panel.
To register for a Victim Impact Panel please contact Mothers Against Drunk Driving Victim Impact Panel
Telephone: "877-ASK-MADD (877-275-6233)