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Soil & Water
Conservation District

Soil and Water Conservation Contact

Our Mission

The diverse scope of expertise and knowledge of the District has rendered the department an asset to the County’s goal to protect and preserve natural resources. The District’s dedication has been established by increased assistance provided to the agricultural community, private landowners and municipalities and by the many partnerships we established with various local, county, state and federal governmental agencies.

2025 Municipal Assistance Program (MAP)

2025 Municipal Assistance Program (MAP)
$50,000 And 2025 Community Assistance Program (CAP) -$10,000 Grant

The Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District (SCSWCD) announces the availability of funding for environmentally focused initiatives aimed at enhancing Suffolk County. This grant opportunity is open to municipalities and non-governmental organizations interested in partnering with SCSWCD to implement a variety of projects focused on improving Suffolk County and its environment. These projects focus on revitalizing and protecting Long Islands ecosystems, waterbodies, ground water and habitats. The goal of this grant is to attract new partners to develop and implement innovative and sustainable solutions for environmental issues. Please see link for more information.

Agriculture in the Classroom

The Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District is requesting proposals for projects to develop, sustain, and expand classroom agricultural education programs in Suffolk County schools (K-12). The goal of this grant is to increase awareness of local agricultural production in Suffolk County, and to strengthen the connection students have with healthy, fresh, local foods. This grant provides funding for programs aimed at increasing student awareness of growing food. Projects may include indoor agriculture infrastructure (grow lights/grow table, hydroponics, etc.) or program in traditional outdoor settings (raised beds, greenhouses, etc.). This is a competitive grant. Awards range from $500 to $3,000. Awards will be made to qualifying applicants who provide the information requested below – please limit proposals to three pages or less.

Provide a plan that demonstrates how the proposed program will provide impactful educational opportunities for the students. Justifications should emphasize the educational goals and the impacts of the project and identify the individual who will be responsible for the program’s administration. Please make sure that the proposal addresses the following questions/topics for the Project Description:

  • What type of garden/growing equipment will be installed and for what purpose?
  • How will students be involved in the project?
  • How will the project be integrated into the classroom? Which teachers and departments will benefit from the project?
  • What will you do with the food/plants that you grow?
  • How will you measure student knowledge gained? Will agricultural education be used to satisfy curriculum requirements (e.g., Common Core) and/or other elective courses (Art, Tech, cooking)?
  • How will the project be maintained or utilized throughout the year? How will the project be continued in subsequent years?
  • Do you currently have any agricultural education programs or related after-school clubs?
  • Roughly what percentage of students rely on free/reduced price meals how will this program impact them? Explain any current food security issues present in the school/community.

Provide a projected itemized budget in simple table form (see example below) that lists all project costs including equipment, supplies, etc. This grant will not provide funding for labor. All District provided funds must be expended by Dec. 31, 2025.

Projects that receive matching support (either cash or in-kind contributions) will score higher than proposals without match. Labor may be counted as matching support.

Demonstrate project support from stakeholders such as teachers, administrators, and parents. Letters of support are strongly encouraged, and will not count toward the three page proposal limit.

  • Proposals will only be accepted from schools in Suffolk County.
  • Proposals must be received by COB February 28, 2025. Please submit proposals to Jill.Dieterich@SuffolkCountyNY.Gov
2025 Agriculture Education in the Classroom

Suggested Proposal Format (limited to three pages)

Title of Proposal: Growing Students at GHS

Name/Address of School: General High School 123 Plain Road, Nowhere, NY 56789

Project Leader: Name/position/title/contact information (phone and email)

Other Project Cooperators: Name/title/contact information (phone and email)

Project Description: Thoroughly answer questions 1 through 8 (see first page) and describe the proposed project, its educational goals, and plans for future funding (i.e. project sustainability and longevity)

Project Budget: Please use sample below as a guide. Remember that while labor cannot be funded in this grant, but you may include volunteer labor as match.

Budget Line Items/Amount Detials/Notes Line Total
Supplies: (List items individually)
  • Top soil - $150
  • Compost - $100
  • Plugs - $250
To be purchased in May $500
Equipment: (List items individually)
  • 8’x12’ Greenhouse - $1,800
  • Work benches - $500
  • Hose - $100
To be purchased in April $2,400
Misc: (List items individually)
  • First Aid Kit - $30
  • Reference Book - $70
To be purchased in June $100
In-Kind Match: (List items individually)
  • Volunteers - $500
50 Volunteer Hours @ $10/Hour $500
Cash Match: (List items individually)
  • PTA Contribution - $500
  • Partner Donation- $1,000
Cash donation towards project $1,500
Total Match: $2,000
*Total Requested: $3,000
Project Total: $5,000

Project Timeline: Provide a timeline for the project, including when purchases will be made, when construction/installation begins and is completed, as well as when you will begin using the project for educational activities..

Letters of Support and/or Partnership: Please attach any and all letters of support/partnership to the application. (They do not count towards the three page limit.)

Cover Crop Cost-Share Program

Check back later for more opportunities.

2024 Soil & Water Conservation District Year In Review

Year In Review

2023 Soil & Water Conservation District Year In Review

Year In Review

2022 Soil & Water Conservation District Year In Review

Year In Review


Inventory & Evaluations

Site Plan and Subdivision Reviews, Shoreline and Bluff Erosion Control


MAPS: Aerials, Soil, Topographic, and Wetland, Soils Information, Soil Erosion and Drainage

Technical Assistance

Agricultural Irrigation, Agricultural Engineering Practices, Technical Assistance, Agronomic Practices, Nonpoint Source Pollution Control, NYSDEC Erosion & Sediment Controlc Training, LINPI, Invasive Species, Native Plants

Conservation Planning

Agricultural Value Assessment, Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) Plans, USDA Conservation Programs, Ponds and Wildlife Watering Facilities



Workshops and Webinars The District regularly hosts, cohosts, partners, and participates in a variety of workshops throughout the year. These workshops range from “Soil Health in Pastures” to “Culvert Assessment Training” and are/ will be advertised on the home screen of our website and by email.

In The News

AEM Leopold Award - Sang Lee Announcement and Video

Brookhaven goes green with native plants at town hall

Brookhaven Supervisor Edward P. Romaine has long promised to turn the town green


Meeting Schedule

Meeting Schedule for the District Board of Directors

Meeting Schedule for the District Board of Directors

Meeting Schedule for the District Board of Directors

Meeting Schedule for the District Board of Directors



Bids & Proposals

Helpful Telephone Numbers


Reference Materials

Related Links

Social Media

The District is on Instagram! Please follow us for education and outreach posts. (With link to District Instagram profile)


Language Access Plan

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901