Click the following link for a list of facilities that may be activated as Warming Centers during an excessive cold event as determined by the National Weather Service. Warming Centers
The blood supply for our hospitals and patients is at a historic low. After 18 months of fewer first time donors from high schools and colleges not hosting blood drives, corporations operating with remote workers and thousands of organizations that had been hosting blood drives, but no longer – the result is a blood supply constantly at critically low levels.
Types O and O- are at a 1.5 day supply when a 5-7 day is optimal, and the other blood types are at a 2-3 day supply. Pre-pandemic, levels like this were never seen! To complicate matters, hospitals are using blood at rates 10% higher vs. pre pandemic. This is particularly alarming as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday where travel is expected to be at record high and families finally get to celebrate with loved ones. Giving blood is not going to be the priority, but our blood supply cannot take a dip in blood donations.
Finding a place to donate is easier than you think. We have a great zip code search option that will identify all blood drives and donor centers very near you. Grab a family member or friend and donate together. Patients, doctors, our local hospitals are counting on us to not forget them as we prepare for the holiday. Visit: New York Blood Center at