Welcome to Suffolk County's affordable housing website. The need for affordable housing has reached crisis proportions throughout the County. Families and businesses have all felt the repercussions of this challenge as young workers and our elderly have left Long Island for more affordable housing elsewhere. This issue did not develop overnight, nor can it be solved overnight. It will take all of us working together to find a multitude of solutions that help us keep our families together. The County’s Department of Economic Development and Planning is working to increase the amount of affordable housing throughout Suffolk County by working with Municipalities, Not for Profit Organizations and Developers to construct and rehabilitate housing that is affordable to individuals whose income does not exceed 80% of the HUD-established area median income the Nassau-Suffolk Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area for rentals and 100% for owner-occupied units.
Please see the Community Development , the Municipalities and Developers, or the Helpful Links for Residents page for additional housing information.
Please note, the County's funding is meant for developers to subsidize the creation of workforce and affordable housing. The County does not accept applications for or place people in housing. If you are a resident looking for housing please refer to the Affordable Housing Resource Guide for Residents below.