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Warming Facilities in Suffolk County

Click the following link for a list of facilities that may be activated as Warming Centers during an excessive cold event as determined by the National Weather Service. Warming Centers

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Graffiti Task Force

GRAFFITI, when compared to other forms of crime, appears relatively trivial. However, its aggregate effects on our social and physical environment are extreme. Graffiti is violative of public health, presents an image of a deteriorating community, contributes to a ineffectiveness and places an unfair burden on taxpayers.

The Key to Eliminating Graffiti is:


  • Graffiti is no longer a big city problem.
  • There is a direct correlation between length of time prior to removal and rate of reoccurrence.
  • Graffiti is linked to a host of social and health problems.
  • Forcing vandals to clean-up graffiti is an ineffective form of restitution. It provides vandals increased technical knowledge of graffiti-resistant products.

What can local merchants do?


  • Limit roof accessibility by keeping dumpsters away from building walls.
  • Trim trees and shrubs near building to limit outside hiding places.
  • Cover drain pipes so they can not be scaled.
  • Use graffiti-resistant coatings and exterior protectants on all exterior surfaces.
  • Adopt a spot in the community and take the necessary steps to keep it graffiti-free.
  • Demand responsible advertising by not promoting or sponsoring any products or services which glorify graffiti.
  • Donate clean-up supplies.
  • Establish a "Business Watch" with near by vendors and merchants.
  • Restrict sales of graffiti supplies by keeping such products inaccessible to individuals under 18 years of age.
  • Work with the community to provide alternatives.


  • Remove it quickly
    • FACT: Once hit a wall is 10 times more likely to be graffiti'd again.
    • FACT: Maintaining a natural appearance is the best defense against graffiti.
    • FACT: Walls maintained every 48 hours increase the vandals risk of being caught.
    • FACT: Lighter color surfaces are more attractive to vandals.
  • Use a video camera to entrap vandals. For you own safety follow these three don'ts:
    • DON'T go alone
    • DON'T confront vandals
    • DON'T let vandals know they are being watched
  • Identify absentee landlords and inform them of the vandalism that is occurring on their property.
  • Inform and work collectively with law enforcement officials.
  • Prosecute-graffiti vandalism is a crime!

Our Commitment:

To ensure a better quality of life for the various communities within Suffolk County.

If you are interested in making a monetary or material donation, need additional product information, would like to learn effective landscaping techniques, or wish to inform us of your current preventative efforts, please contact the Task Force at (631) 852-5000.

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901