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Warming Facilities in Suffolk County

Click the following link for a list of facilities that may be activated as Warming Centers during an excessive cold event as determined by the National Weather Service. Warming Centers

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Highway, Structures and Waterways

Highway, Structures and Waterways


335 Yaphank Avenue
Yaphank, New York 11980

 (631) 852-4002


Responsible for the maintenance, reconstruction, resurfacing and major repair of approximately 1,150 lane miles, 110 fixed bridges (39 New York State bridges where we maintain the wearing surface), 194 culverts, four movable bridges, 57 spillways, 31 bulkheads, various docks, marinas, and jetties. Ensures safe navigation of approximately 80 priority navigational channels throughout the County by dredging for public benefit along with maintaining the associated regulatory authorizations.

Responsible for the issuance of Highway Permits along Suffolk County Highway Right of Way. Maintain operational control of approx. 650 Traffic Signals along County highways, The local Municipalities (Towns/Villages) own and maintain all Traffic Signals. Conduct traffic studies along county highways.

Suffolk County Roadway List

Programs and Services

Highway Construction

The Construction Unit provides field inspection for all divisions in order to insure compliance with project plans and specifications, while insuring a safe work zone for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Highway Engineering & Surveys

The Design Unit, with technical support from the Survey and Computer Applications Unit is primarily charged with the preparation of contract plans, specifications and estimates necessary for the construction of County highways. When additional right-of-way is required, areas are surveyed and maps are prepared for acquisition under the Eminent Domain Procedure Law.

Materials Lab

The Materials Testing Laboratory insures that the materials used on County projects meet the required specifications. Laboratory personnel inspect the asphalt and concrete plants and oversee the batching of material. Samples of the material are delivered to the Laboratory for further testing.

Highway Permits

Review, process and collect fees for the issuance of Non-Utility Highway Work Permits, Utility Highway Work Permits and Hauling and Oversized vehicle Permits.

Traffic Engineering

The major goal of the Traffic Engineering Section is to optimize traffic flow and safety conditions on County roads. This Section is involved with various aspects of planning, design, construction and operations of the County road network.

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901