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Warming Facilities in Suffolk County

Click the following link for a list of facilities that may be activated as Warming Centers during an excessive cold event as determined by the National Weather Service. Warming Centers

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Energy and Climate Action

The Suffolk County Energy and Climate Action Office identifies opportunities for improved energy policies for the County and coordinates with the Department of Public Works to execute and implement those policies. Suffolk County has an Energy Initiatives Working Group composed of six stakeholders from various departments that utilize all tools and programs available to further the goal of developing renewable energy and making County buildings and fleet more energy efficient.

The overarching goal is to reduce energy use and energy costs to the County, while achieving lower carbon emissions from County operations. It is these smart government investments that lead to a cleaner environment and increase overall quality of life for County residents, support of the growing green energy sector of the local economy, all while reducing energy costs to the taxpayers.

Encouraging Solar Power Use

H Lee Dennison's solar panels

Solar-Up Suffolk is a three-pronged program that encourages solar power use by Suffolk County residents and businesses.

Please check back for updates.

"The threat of climate change is not in the future. We are experiencing it right now with more intense storms, worse and worse flooding events, and extreme heat in the summer. There is no silver bullet, but I believe that solar energy is one key piece of the puzzle. Solar-Up Suffolk is a way for the County to encourage more residents and businesses to explore the benefits of solar power."
Edward P. Romaine
Suffolk County Executive

Energy Savings for Homeowners and Small Businesses


The Long Island Regional Clean Energy Hub is a team of trusted, knowledgeable, community-based organizations in and from your region of the state. They have experience with clean energy, energy efficiency, workforce and economic development, education, home weatherization, health, and housing. Hubs help and provide information to individuals, small businesses, and affordable housing owners about the benefits of the clean energy economy, ways to reduce energy use and costs, and how to make more informed energy decisions.

Visit to learn more or call (516) 832-2591 ext. 125, e-mail, to request information about new opportunities to benefit from this transition including clean energy careers, home improvements, and even rebates for businesses and personal transportation.

Offshore Wind is Storming to Suffolk County


New York State is moving ever closer to meeting its offshore wind power goal of 9,000 MW by 2035. Suffolk County, and other local and regional businesses, have an exciting opportunity to play a huge part in this booming industry. The resources here can help supply chain businesses and those looking to work in this thriving sector to be successful.

wind farm on the water
maintenance being done on a wind turbine

New York State has awarded five offshore wind projects so far, all off the coast of Long Island. The first is the 132 MW South Fork Wind project and is expected to be completed in 2023. The second will be the Sunrise Wind project powered by Orsted & Eversource, and will bring more than $700 million of investment for assets, jobs and programming to Suffolk County.

Join the Offshore Wind Supply Chain

Off Shore Wind Supply

NYSERDA Supply Chain Database

Become an EquinorSupplier

Become a Sunrise Wind Supplier

New York will invest up to $500 million in the ports, manufacturing and supply chain infrastructure needed to advance its offshore wind industry, leveraging private capital to deliver more than $2 billion in economic activity while creating more than 2,000 good paying green jobs.

The training you need. The career you’ll love.

Orsted Careers


SBU Offshore Wind Training Institute

The Institute for Workforce Advancement

NYSERDA Offshore Wind Training

Farmingdale State College Clean Energy Credentials

maintenance being done on the exterior of a wind turbine
offshore wind brochure thumbnail

Click image to view flyer.

Resources and Programs

Suffolk County’s local businesses and not-for-profits can participate in Commercial PACE program.

Undertaking a clean energy project can reduce a building’s energy bill, improve its operations, reduce its carbon footprint, and increase property value. EIC NY (PACE) Finance offers low cost, long-term capital for energy-related building improvements that is secured through a benefit assessment lien on the improved property.

Community Inventory

A Summary Pie Chart

This Executive Summary offers a quick and interesting format to provide a snapshot of the sources of emissions from community activities.

Government Operations

B Government Operations Pie Chart

Read the report. It tracks key aspects of the County’s emissions.

Detailing the County Commitment

This Climate Action Plan (CAP) is the result of a two-year process. It was prepared in accordance with the commitment made by the Suffolk County Legislature when it adopted the Climate Smart Communities pledge on November 20, 2012 through Resolution No. 960-2012, “Adopting Climate Smart Community Goals in the County of Suffolk


Read the current year’s report. Suffolk County is leading by example and has a robust, ongoing energy efficiency program. This NYSERDA report shows building energy use metrics.

Cleaner, Greener Long Island Regional Sustainability Plan

An ambitious undertaking by the Cleaner, Greener Consortium of Long Island to articulate a community-based vision for a more sustainable future.

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901